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How to Pair your Fall Dishes and Wine: According to Black Sommelier

Whitney is back! We interviewed this vibrant woman about her experience as a Black sommelier and Napa recommendations. Now she’s back with some fall pairings: food and wine.

Whitney at her Curated Wine Event

Whitney first tells us how to properly drink wine. She says, “I always tell my clients to smell it first before you swirl it. Then swirl it and smell it again so it opens up your nostrils. Then eat and drink a little sip of wine and repeat the cycle. You are getting your nose prepared for the actual taste of the wine. “

Ideally your food should not contrast with your wine. It should be a smooth palate transition from your food to the wine. Overall, wine should add flavor to your food.

Steak or Pasta: Whitney advises that dry Cabernet-that doesn't have any sweetness- should be paired with a nice steak or a red tomato based pasta dish.

Salty Dishes: She discloses that Cabernet should be matched with any salty food because it will make the Cabernet taste sweeter.

Tomato Soup: For tomato soup, she suggests Rose’-JCB French Kiss Rose’ to be exact. “I wouldn't do a heavy red [wine] with soup. I would do a Rose’ because it would make it sweeter,” Whitney explains. Rose’ can also be matched with chili.

Chicken Noodle Soup: A chicken noodle soup can be paired with Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio.

Fall Dishes: In regards to other fall dishes, Whitney recommends sparkling wine apple cider using peach schnapps, sparkling White wine, Simply Apple Pressed with whipped cream & Cinnamon flakes.