I talk to alot of Black women who want to travel more but waiting on their friends. Stop waiting on your friends and their funds and start solo traveling. It’s scary to travel solo as a woman but I believe necessary for your own self-care. The top 3 reasons you should travel solo as a Black woman:

  1. Overcome Fear.

“There are people that are projecting their fears and their shortcomings and failures on you. You have to be very careful with that. People telling you you can’t do that. Why can’t I? Because they may have tried or they don’t believe that they can do it. It’s not really about you. It’s about what they feel and their fear inside. You have to be strong enough and resilient to believe in whatever it is you’re trying to do.”-Jay Z

That quote run through my mind everytime I encounter a fear. I ask myself is this my fear or someone else's fear. I can admit, I still let other people fears get into my head at times. I wanted to go on a solo trip to El Salvador but I let other people's fears stop me. Well-meaning but still I let the opinion of others (who had never been to the country) cancel my trip.  I decided to overcome that fear. Yes, I had my own fears and reluctance but when I sat with myself, I realize it was more other people's fears than my own. So I decided to try again. Book that solo trip despite your fears. It will be well-worth it.

2. Freedom

There’s a level of freedom with traveling solo. First, a solo trip allows the freedom and choice to do the activities you desire. We all know that traveling with friends or a group means participating in activities that we may not want to. Traveling solo allows you the freedom to do strictly what you heart desires. You desire to hike a volcano? Go for it. You desire to sit on the beach and relax? Relax sis.

Traveling solo also gives you another freedom. The freedom to let go of the expectations of who you have to be for everyone else. The freedom to be as authentic or inauthentic as you choose. You have the freedom to role play in the world.  During my solo trip, I decided each day I would be someone new. One day I was authentic to myself, the next day I was Sara from Jamaica that owned a real estate company. Try it! You won't regret it. 

3. Meet Other Travelers

I traveled solo-out of the country- and met other beautiful Black women who loved traveling. We exchanged information and hung out while on the trip. We encouraged one another to do some daring activities and laughed like we knew each other for years. We even realized that we all were from the DMV area. The ladies applauded me on my courage to travel solo and asked me tips. Because I was solo, I was able to make new friends.

The Tik Tok that goes “if you are Black, you are never really lonely” holds true. There is always other Black women around to protect you or other nationalities admiring you. I’ve met so many women and men throughout my travel journey that have inspired me and also became travel friends.

As Black women, we typically have reservations about traveling solo. I did. But I felt exhilarating, accomplished, and magical after I traveled solo for the first time. Girl, stop waiting for your friends! Book that flight and hotel and travel solo! You will not regret it.




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