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From the moment my sister decided to go to Europe for a semester, I knew that I would visit her since I had never explored Europe.

She was staying in Budapest, Hungary.

Yeah…I never heard of it initially either but after doing some research, I learn that this cool capitol of Hungary is known for natural thermal baths and considered “Paris of the East.”IMG_3478I was happy to be visiting my sister and also happy that I get to visit 3 different countries in Europe while there.As I checked in with my sister about how she liked Budapest and her experience living in another country, she said she loved it. The culture, the environment, the friendliness.IMG_8271I thought her expressions were warming. She did explain to me that the staring can be awkward and weird but she adjusted. Because they don’t have many Black people that reside in Budapest, staring was common when they saw a black person…or woman.The moment arrived where I landed in Budapest. Everything was so new, so fresh, so foreign but I was excited. She had one of her friends pick me up since she had class. As we took the train back to their apartments, she also explained to me that I would gain a lot of attention and gazes due to the color of my skin. I honestly brushed the idea off.IMG_8275 2We went to a nightclub later that night and there it was.

The stares. The gazes. The admiration.

The men in the nightclub stared and smiled at me the entire time. Some bold white men came up to me and danced with me. They told me that they loved my hair and love black women. One gentleman told me that I am exotic beauty and some showed their affection by touching my face or hair (weird, I know). My sister became super defensive however I didn’t mind.

It was as if I was a diamond that had just been discovered.

IMG_8274We stopped in the local McDonalds after the nightclub and the men stared even more. Some spoke, some smiled, some tried to make a pass. One man kept saying I was beautiful in front of his girlfriend. I could not believe all this attention I was getting. Usually back in the states, I would get a few men approaching me with the same lame standard “hey what’s up shorty.” But these men were ready to kiss the ground I walked on.

It felt exhilarating.

That experience in Budapest changed my mindset. That experience in Budapest was an eye-opening experience. I am “exotic” and should be treated as such.Now back in the states, I view myself as a diamond that hasn’t been discovered yet. Why should I accept mediocrity from men or the idea “what you won’t do, another will?” Although black women are abundant in the states, there is only one me-physically, mentally, spiritually and personality wise, and this diamond should be searched for and treated as “exotic.”IMG_8273